
The proposal is an academic statement about the topic you wish to study and must demonstrate that you have carefully considered the topic and why Durham is the best place to undertake this research.

You will need to discuss the key aims of your project, how you would go about the research, the skills you have to carry out the work, and how the project could fit into existing research groups and institutes at Durham

As a guideline, a research proposal should be approximately 1,500-2,000 words in length and should include the following:

• A working title
• General overview of the topic
•Identification of the relevant literature to your chosen topic and how your project would differ from the existing literature
• Key research questions
• Methodology
• Timescale/research planning
• Bibliography of key texts you think you would use

Some departments may require specific information to be included. Where applicable, this is detailed on the departmental webpages.