
We check all applications for eligibility of a contextual offer when we receive them. Students who meet the criteria are automatically given a reduced offer.
If a programme has subject specific entry requirements, then we are unable to reduce the entry criteria for that subject.
You can find details on contextual offers and the eligibility criteria here.
Our definition of care-experienced is someone who, at any stage of their life, and for any length of time, has been in care e.g., looked after by the local authority. This includes the following:

  • Spent time in the care of the local authority (e.g., foster care or children’s home);
  • Privately fostered;
  • Looked after at home under a supervision order;
  • In kinship foster care (where a friend or family member becomes the foster carer). Kinship care through a formal arrangement, recognised by a Local Authority, and could be prior to a Special Guardianship Order.