There are a number of application statuses that you might see within the Postgraduate Portal, please see our explanations below.
Application in Progress: You have not yet submitted the application.
Application Received: We have received your application and will process it as soon as possible.
Conditional Offer Issued: We have issued an offer, you will need to upload the documents when you have them to meet the conditions as stated in your offer letter.
Conditional Offer Accepted: You have accepted the conditional offer.
Unconditional Offer Issued: We have sent you an offer and there are no conditions attached to the offer.
Unconditional Offer Accepted: We have sent you an unconditional offer and you have accepted it.
Unsuccessful Decision: Your application has been assessed and you have not been made an offer or a conditional offer was issued, and the conditions have not been met.
Further Information Required: We have sent you a message via an action request in your applicant portal asking for additional information to support your application.
Admissions Record Finalised: You are ready to enrol and register for your chosen programme.
Application Deferred: Your application has been deferred and will be reconsidered when the next admissions cycle opens.
Applicant Decline: You have declined your offer.
Change Requested: You have requested a change of programme.
Applicant No Response: Record Closed: You have not responded to us, and we have therefore closed your application.
Application Fee Not Received: Application Closed: You have not paid the application fee and we have therefore closed your application.